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St Peter’s Certified IDS for 2020-2023

St Peter’s High School since its inception in 2011 has been tirelessly striving to uphold international standards in its curriculum. True to its earnest striving, the school has been awarded for the third time in a row with the International Dimension in Schools (IDS) Certification, formerly known as ISA (International School Award) by the British Council. As it is well known, the IDS is felicitated to a school only after a thorough assessment and meticulous scrutiny of the international facet embedded in the specific student projects planned and carried out by that particular school. As part of this award, the school is conferred with a certificate and a trophy. The school is also bestowed with a kite-mark to be displayed on the school website and communications. The IDS award recognizes the presence of many facets of international flavour present in our school and the following are a few of them:
• The school is empowered to provide relevant education in a rapidly changing world by enabling connections across geographies and contexts
• Parents build closer connections with their child’s peers, teachers and other parents through participating in events organized by the school as part of the IDS programme
• Teachers receive access to online professional development courses through the British Council
• Teachers develop leadership skills as coordinators and project leads
• Students gain an increased knowledge, awareness and tolerance of other countries, cultures and languages
• Students grow in confidence in communicating with people from different backgrounds and nationalities
• Students enhance their skills in collaborative research and presentation techniques
• Students prepare themselves to successfully live and work in a global and mobile society
• The local community gets the opportunities to host and welcome students from our school for field visits and also be the recipients of the school projects such as clean-up drives and visits to old-age homes