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From Garbage to Garden

Our students of grade IX along with activity in charge teachers created a compost pit as a part of British Council International School Award activity, in the school premises.

Students made nutrition-rich fertilizer with organic materials, such as kitchen scraps, shredded newspaper, coffee grounds, egg shells, grass clippings or fallen leaves. Then add a layer of manure, water etc..

In this activity students learned the benefits of compost like-

  • The amount of trash your school produces will be reduced.
  • Nutrients from composted food scraps are recycled back into your soils.
  • Composting can save money and turn unwanted materials into a useful product.
  • Composting offers numerous educational opportunities to promote sustainable environmental practices to your students.
  • Student and community awareness is awakened regarding recycling and waste reduction.
  • School pride and environmental stewardship is enhanced through positive contributions of conservation efforts.